kasahorow Sua,

"Two, 2" in Oromoo ::: "Two, 2" in Chichewa

Add "lama" ::: "ziwiri" in Oromo ::: Chewa to your vocabulary.
lama ::: ziwiri, adj ::: adj
/-lama/ ::: /-z-i-w-i-r-i/

Examples of lama ::: ziwiri
Usage: an lama ilaalaan jiraa ::: ndinemaona ziwiri; 2. ::: 2.

Oromo ::: Chewa Dictionary Series 13

  • English ::: English: Oromo ::: Chewa Counting Book
  • Fren ::: French: Les Chiffres Oromo ::: Chewa
  • Portuguesa ::: Portuguesa: Meus Primeiros NĂºmeros Oromo ::: Chewa
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