Nyamfowa 3:16
Dhugaa kan gatii icha "duwwaa" ta'aa jiraa. English: A lie is a very expensive thing to maintain E
Add "gootummaa" in Oromo to your vocabulary. gootummaa, nom Examples of gootummaa Definite articl
Add "cimina" in Oromo to your vocabulary. cimina, nom Examples of cimina Indefinite article: cimi
Add "beekumsa" in Oromo to your vocabulary. beekumsa, nom Examples of beekumsa Definite article:
Add "bu'aa" in Oromo to your vocabulary. bu'aa, nom Examples of bu'aa Indefinite article: bu'aa D
At Home In Oromoo: Siree
Determiners and Possessives and -English Exercise What is .kasahorow.org/app/d/
Mabel Blankson
Biyya ishee Gaanaa ta'aa jiraa. Gaanaa daawwach. Mabel Blankson kitaaba barreessaa jirtii Bibliogra